It was lot's of fun. Molly took Ankhe Pass and Tuxedo, Hannah came with Anna, Mr. Nunn brought Smilelikeyoumeanit and Red Horse Harry, Bryce brought Toulousse, and I took Google.
Google was very good. In our first class, a 2.6-2.9 Optimum Time Class, we went clear with a smooth round. In our second class, a 2.6-2.9 Power and Speed class, we had one rail. Our last class, a lm class that looked like it was actually set to 3.3, we had one rail, but it was our smoothest and best round yet. Google is certaintly prepared for his next Novice, in September.
On Sunday I got a camera. Finally! Now I can provide you with clear pictures, action pictures, and videos. :)
In case you are wondering, it is a Panasonic Lumix DMC- FH27. It has smart touch and intelligent zoom capabilities, which are really cool. It automatically adjusts to any movement of your hand so you don't get blurry pictures. I love this camera already and would recommend it to you.
Yesterday, I went to the barn, and then to two hours of field hockey practice. Ouch.
That's all for now!
Cheers -- Quinn
Quinn, you make me so jealous! :P I've never been able to show like you can, you lucky duck. :P BTW, I love your blog! :)